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Slate has a pretty long article (and short on content) about why we trash hotel rooms. They say…

When you check in to a hotel today, you are entering a veritable Sodom and Gloccamorrah. The most likely outcome? You will wake up in the wee hours to the sounds of adjacent guests trashing their rooms a la Charlie Sheen at the Plaza.

via Trashed hotel rooms: The appalling things people do at the world’s finest resorts. – Slate Magazine.

Here are 4 reason why I think we go nuts in hotel rooms:

1. You don’t have to clean up

N o matter how foul, nasty, raunchy, etc you are in your room, you don’t have to worry about cleaning it up. The towels will be tidied, the sheets changed, the floor vacuumed. When you return from your day away, it’s almost like being in a new room.

2. Privacy, sweet privacy

E ven in your own home with the shades drawn and the door locked, you may be interrupted. A neighbor, family, your house-mates, whatever… In a hotel room, whether alone or with a partner, you’re almost guaranteed not to be disturbed (epsecially if you hang the little sign on the door).

3. We just walk away

A s a corollary to #1 above, when you’re done trashing your hotel room (even over several days), you can simply walk away. You don’t have to look at the housekeeper. These days, you don’t even have to “check out” — just drop your key in the box on the way out and don’t look back.

What do you think?

What do you think? Do you do unspeakable things in a hotel room? Why? Why not?